Friday, February 6, 2009

Orchid hand cream in verbena glycerine

Daffodils in late April


atheana's photo



beetography's photo
We got a silver-gilt medal which we are very pleased with, we're really pleased because it's our first Tatton. The judges did say that they'd like us to do a larger stand and that our plants would really suit a larger exhibit. One of the reasons why we create a display of this size is because it fills one lorry! We never know how the plants will go down when we come to a new show and especially one in a different climatic area, but so far so good. Next week we're going to the Taunton flower show where we're exhibiting our own plants and planting a garden, then Rob and I are off for three days to an undisclosed, secret location to reflect on the last few months and plan for the year ahead.


Beautiful white lotus blossom - A perfectly shaped lotus blossom.
Lotus flowers grow from the depth of murky and often polluted water upward toward the sunlight. Just like mankind grows from the darkness of hell on earth upward toward God.

No matter how dirty the water of a lotus pond, the lotus flower always develops an exotic sweet fragrance and abundance of lotus nectar. Such is the nature of mankind having spent years or incarnations on earth - the darker the life and surroundings of their incarnation, the sweeter and the more powerful their divine love afterwards when re-united with God at home in God.

A perfectly shaped lotus blossom with its evenly shaped lotus petals, such as the one shown in the photo is like Sahasrara Chakra on top of a human head after fully one with God.

The thousandfold lotus of the Sahasrara Chakra represents the thousandfold divine aspects of a fully developed spiritual human being. The number thousandfold is just an example to tell you there are really MANY aspects to be developed before spiritually matured. By far more than thousand!
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos
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